Gtk2Hs ウィジェット2

ホーム   目次








import Graphics.UI.Gtk
import qualified Data.Text as T

comboChanged :: ComboBox -> Label -> IO ()
comboChanged combobox label = do
  Just text <- comboBoxGetActiveText combobox
  labelSetText label text

main :: IO ()
main = do

  window <- windowNew
  set window  [windowTitle := "コンボボックス",
               windowWindowPosition := WinPosCenter,
               windowDefaultWidth := 300,
               windowDefaultHeight := 200]
  containerSetBorderWidth window 15
  hbox <- hBoxNew False 0
  vbox <- vBoxNew False 15
  combo <- comboBoxNew
  comboBoxSetModelText combo
  comboBoxAppendText combo (T.pack "Windows")
  comboBoxAppendText combo (T.pack "macOS")
  comboBoxAppendText combo (T.pack "Ubuntu")
  comboBoxAppendText combo (T.pack "Mint")
  comboBoxAppendText combo (T.pack "Debian")
  boxPackStart vbox combo PackNatural 0
  label <- labelNew (Just "...")
  boxPackStart vbox label PackGrow 0
  boxPackStart hbox vbox PackGrow 0
  containerAdd window hbox
  on combo changed $ comboChanged combo label
  on window objectDestroy mainQuit
  widgetShowAll window


import Graphics.UI.Gtk

comboChanged :: ComboBox -> Label -> IO ()
comboChanged combobox label = do
  Just text <- comboBoxGetActiveText combobox
  labelSetText label text

main :: IO ()
main = do

  window <- windowNew
  set window  [windowTitle := "コンボボックス",
               windowWindowPosition := WinPosCenter,
               windowDefaultWidth := 300,
               windowDefaultHeight := 200]
  containerSetBorderWidth window 15
  hbox <- hBoxNew False 0
  vbox <- vBoxNew False 15
  combo <- comboBoxNew
  comboBoxSetModelText combo
  comboBoxAppendText combo "Windows"
  comboBoxAppendText combo "macOS"
  comboBoxAppendText combo "Ubuntu"
  comboBoxAppendText combo "Mint"
  comboBoxAppendText combo "Debian"
  boxPackStart vbox combo PackNatural 0
  label <- labelNew (Just "...")
  boxPackStart vbox label PackGrow 0
  boxPackStart hbox vbox PackGrow 0
  containerAdd window hbox
  on combo changed $ comboChanged combo label
  on window objectDestroy mainQuit
  widgetShowAll window


セパレーター (Separator)は区切り線です。セパレーターには、水平方向のHseparatorと縦方向のVSeparatorがあります。


import Graphics.UI.Gtk

main :: IO ()
main = do

  window <- windowNew
  set window [windowWindowPosition := WinPosCenter,
              windowTitle := "セパレーター",
              windowResizable := False]
  containerSetBorderWidth window 10
  label1 <- labelNew (Just 
    ("Zinc is a moderately reactive, blue gray metal" ++
    "that tarnishes in moist air and burns in air with a bright " ++
    "bluish-green flame, giving off fumes of zinc oxide. It " ++
    "reacts with acids, alkalis and other non-metals. " ++
    "If not completely pure, zinc reacts with dilute acids to " ++
    "release hydrogen."))
  labelSetLineWrap label1 True
  label2 <- labelNew (Just 
    ("Copper is an essential trace nutrient to all high " ++
    "plants and animals. In animals, including humans, it is " ++
    "found primarily in the bloodstream, as a co-factor in " ++
    "various enzymes, and in copper-based pigments. However, " ++
    "in sufficient amounts, copper can be poisonous and even " ++
    "fatal to organisms."))
  labelSetLineWrap label2 True
  vbox <- vBoxNew False 10
  containerAdd window vbox
  hseparator <- hSeparatorNew
  boxPackStart vbox label1 PackNatural 0
  boxPackStart vbox hseparator PackNatural 10
  boxPackStart vbox label2 PackNatural 0
  on window objectDestroy mainQuit
  widgetShowAll window

この例では「windowResizable := False]」によって、ウィンドウのサイズを変えることができなくなっています。





import Graphics.UI.Gtk

main :: IO ()
main = do

  window <- windowNew
  windowSetPosition window WinPosCenter
  set window [windowTitle := "エントリー"]
  containerSetBorderWidth window 10
  table <- tableNew 3 2 False
  containerAdd window table
  label1 <- labelNew (Just "名前")
  label2 <- labelNew (Just "年齢")
  label3 <- labelNew (Just "職業")
  align <- alignmentNew 0 0 0 0
  containerAdd align label3
  tableAttach table label1 0 1 0 1 [Fill,Shrink] [Fill,Shrink] 5 5
  tableAttach table label2 0 1 1 2 [Fill,Shrink] [Fill,Shrink] 5 5
  tableAttach table align 0 1 2 3 [Fill,Shrink] [Fill,Shrink] 5 5
  entry1 <- entryNew
  entry2 <- entryNew
  textview <- textViewNew
  widgetSetSizeRequest textview 0 25
  frame <- frameNew
  containerAdd frame textview
  tableAttach table entry1 1 2 0 1 [Fill,Expand] [Fill,Shrink] 5 5
  tableAttach table entry2 1 2 1 2 [Fill,Expand] [Fill,Shrink] 5 5
  tableAttach table frame  1 2 2 3 [Fill,Expand] [Fill,Expand] 5 5
  widgetShowAll window
  on window objectDestroy mainQuit




サンプルで使用する画像はここからダウンロードできます。解凍した img フォルダをコードファイルと同じディレクトリに置いてください。


import Graphics.UI.Gtk

main :: IO ()
main = do

  window <- windowNew
  windowSetPosition window WinPosCenter
  set window [windowTitle := "イメージ"]
  image <- imageNewFromFile "img/precipice2.jpg"
  containerAdd window image
  on window objectDestroy mainQuit
  widgetShowAll window




import Graphics.UI.Gtk

buttonpressed :: Button -> Statusbar -> IO ()
buttonpressed button statusbar = do
  str <- buttonGetLabel button
  --print (str)
  id <- statusbarGetContextId statusbar str
  --print (id)
  statusbarPush statusbar id (str ++ "ボタンがクリックされました")
  return ()

main :: IO ()
main = do

  window <- windowNew
  windowSetPosition window WinPosCenter
  windowSetDefaultSize window 300 200
  set window [windowTitle := "ステータスバー"]
  vbox <- vBoxNew False 0
  hbox <- hBoxNew False 0
  containerAdd window vbox
  halign <- alignmentNew 0 0 0 0
  containerAdd halign hbox
  boxPackStart vbox halign PackGrow 5
  button1 <- buttonNewWithLabel "了解"
  widgetSetSizeRequest button1 100 30
  button2 <- buttonNewWithLabel "適用"
  widgetSetSizeRequest button2 100 30
  boxPackStart hbox button1 PackNatural 5
  boxPackStart hbox button2 PackNatural 0
  balign <- alignmentNew 0 1 1 0
  statusbar <- statusbarNew
  containerAdd balign statusbar
  boxPackStart vbox balign PackNatural 0
  on button1 buttonActivated $ buttonpressed button1 statusbar
  on button2 buttonActivated $ buttonpressed button2 statusbar
  on window objectDestroy mainQuit
  widgetShowAll window



サンプルで使用する画像はここからダウンロードできます。解凍した img フォルダをコードファイルと同じディレクトリに置いてください。


import Graphics.UI.Gtk
import System.FilePath -- for 

-- Define a string column and an image column on the store holding
-- the computer types.

compPicCol :: ColumnId CompType Pixbuf
compPicCol = makeColumnIdPixbuf 1

compStrCol :: ColumnId CompType String
compStrCol = makeColumnIdString 2

data CompType
  = MacBookPro
  | MacBook
  | Printer
  | MacPro
  | Xserve
  | IMac
  deriving (Enum, Bounded, Show)

showCT :: CompType -> String
showCT ct = case show ct of
  'I':xs -> 'i':xs
  xs -> xs

initIconView = do
  iconview <- iconViewNew

  let pNames = map ("img" )
  pics <- mapM pixbufNewFromFile pNames

  -- the area with the possible computer types
  compTypes <- listStoreNew [minBound :: CompType .. maxBound]

  -- define extractor functions for the two column
  treeModelSetColumn compTypes compPicCol $
    \t -> pics !! fromEnum t
  treeModelSetColumn compTypes compStrCol showCT
  set iconview [iconViewModel := Just compTypes]
  return iconview

main :: IO ()
main = do


  window <- windowNew
  set window [windowTitle := "アイコンビュー",
              windowWindowPosition := WinPosCenter,
              containerBorderWidth := 10,
              windowDefaultWidth := 600,  --350
              windowDefaultHeight := 300]
  sw <- scrolledWindowNew Nothing Nothing
  containerAdd window sw
  scrolledWindowSetPolicy sw PolicyAutomatic PolicyAutomatic
  scrolledWindowSetShadowType sw ShadowIn
  -- create an icon view of all the computer types
  iconview <- initIconView --iconViewNew
  containerAdd (toContainer sw) iconview
  set iconview [iconViewTextColumn := compStrCol,
                iconViewPixbufColumn := compPicCol,
                iconViewSelectionMode := SelectionMultiple,
                iconViewColumns := 3]
                --iconViewColumns := 6]
  on window objectDestroy mainQuit

  widgetShowAll window

20125 visits
Posted: Dec. 27, 2018
Update: Dec. 27, 2018

ホーム   目次   ページトップ